
Sunday, June 9

France - Post 11 - More

Hey everyone,

So this post is going to be a little recap of Thursday and Friday since I haven’t written anything over the last couple days. The next post is going to be about more metro experiences.

One of the things that stuck out the most to me on Thursday was happened literally 5 ft. away from me in front of me. So I am standing at the corner waiting on a friend at a crosswalk. The crosswalk is red and so cars are passing with minor gaps. Several people try taking advantage of these gaps and one person doesn’t quite make it. The car slows down and gives the man only a bump and the guy falls over and people start gathering over to see if he was all right. It wasn’t anything too serious and the fall from after was actually more serious in my opinion. Strange thing is that after the guy took a seat next to me on the curb and the people gathered, the driver pulled over for a second and then drove off when no one was looking. I ended up leaving before the police came because I didn’t have my phone and I couldn’t find my friend. That is about it for Thursday. Friday, on the other hand, was very interesting.

So my Friday starts with me arriving at work to have one of the other interns, Melanie, start asking me questions about some incident from the day before. Huardine had been looking for me after work on Thursday but we had already left for the metro since I am neither required to stay at work after 8pm nor would I even if the internship was paid. Apparently Huardine had received a visit from one of the little girls we work with and her parents with a complaint about me. She was trying to accuse me of spitting on her, hitting her, and yelling at her. Before I go further I would just like to say that this is FALSE! Crazy, right? So she was giving me a heads up because Huardine was going to talk to me about these crazy allegations against me when he arrived. So after doing some completely unrelated grunt work for the head of the NGO (helping a friend move boxes and other things from one place to another), we go over with what he might say to me because as I’ve mentioned before, I get nervous and freeze up. Huardine arrives and he ends up talking to all of us instead of just pulling me aside to also talk about protocol, being role models, etc. From there I got to explain how the girl is obviously lying through her teeth and that I wouldn’t do that for multiple reasons the main one being that if I’m not working, I wouldn’t be allowed to stay in France. So I explained this and was told that the parents were going to come in with the daughter to speak to me. This never happened. To add onto this, her sister came in for the afternoon activities without her and me and Maura went and asked her what was going on (I needed a little help here since I understand maybe about 70% of what the kids say).
The sister goes on to tell us that she had come home with a red mark on her face and crying about who knows what. Somehow I got wrapped up in this since I had spent a decent amount of time with her during the recreational hours. During this time however I was also with Ibn and Maura and the closest I got to yelling at her was when her and 5 others were literally climbing and jumping on us and I told her several times to stop.
The story had more than one version to it, which is probably why the family never showed up, they figured out that she was an attention seeking, misbehaved, foul-mouthed, liar. Excuse my words but I hope she gets rightfully punished for trying to make me get fired. We already deal with physical abuse and anything they do or say to me is one thing since it stays between work, the kids, and me, but putting me in a place where I’m practically defenseless is complete nonsense.
So I think that everything has passed but I won’t really know until tomorrow. Now I just need to worry about not letting the little girl have it when I see her again.

That’s all I’m going to write for now.

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